The Unexpected

By: Yassine Bourenane

Last year was supposed to be exciting, as I was in my final year of elementary school. I was looking forward to being in-person and I was particularly interested in being involved within my school community by joining clubs, events, and other activities. Unfortunately, all extracurriculars were cancelled. Fast forward a year, and I was still looking for some opportunities. 

It just so happened that over this summer, I found The Net.

Dreams without goals are just dreams. Throughout my previous years I had always wanted to get engaged with the community through volunteering. Thankfully, through The Net I was able to do this for the first time.

My first experience was during the summer when I participated in the Van Wagners Beach cleanup. It was scorching hot, but we collected enough trash to fill an entire garbage bag between the group of us. On top of that, the ice cream we got was delicious (Thank you Kayla!).

It’s comforting to know that there are others who want to enjoy this experience as well. There is no better way to describe The Net than their slogan, “Through Youth, For Youth”. Even though there is the obstacle of the current pandemic, with all of these restrictions, I hope to continue participating in The Net. I’m excited to watch The Net flourish into something even greater with the involvement of young people like myself!